Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No News is Good News!

The meeting with Dr. Chen last week went well and all present were encouraged to move forward with getting back into the normal flow of life.

A few additions to the normal flow of life are weekly physical therapy sessions as well as half days of school and of course, lots of rest!

Yes, that's right! David actually went to a half day of school today! Awesome!

As of right now it looks like surgery on the second, smaller of the two original aneurysms, will be in mid to late February...

So for the next month we need to pray that David's rest is adequate, that he can adjust with little to no stress back into "normal" life, that his physical therapy would be effective, that he would be diligent to work out his right side at home, and that he just overall feels more and more like himself.

It's a long road ahead and this journey is not over. Your prayers are still needed and appreciated, so thank you for remembering all of the Bakers! Please know that no news on the blog is good news! And I will try to keep you as up to date as possible!

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